Duchess Meghan Woman of Vision Works On Smart Works Female Unemployment Index

Smart Works released their inaugural Smart Works Female Unemployment Index – a report that examines the challenges women face when looking for work, from the moment they begin the search to the life-changing impact of having a job. Since 2019, Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex has been Patron and last year, The Archewell Foundation announced it would provide the financial support to conduct this robust study.

If you need employment, then visit www.smartworks.co.uk . There are great resources available that can help you get employment and improve your financial wellbeing.

Women’s economic empowerment is central to realizing women’s rights and gender equality. Women’s economic empowerment includes women’s ability to participate equally in existing markets; their access to and control over productive resources, access to decent work, control over their own time, lives and bodies; and increased voice, agency and meaningful participation in economic decision-making at all levels from the household to international institutions.

The first Smart Works Female Unemployment Index is a robust study examining unemployment issues affecting women across the UK. It covers three areas: experiencing unemployment, experiences of the interview process, and the meaning of having a job. Smart Works listens to the thousands of women that come each year and report back . their  aim is that over time, they  will see improvement in the scores that are reported indicating a more favorable and successful recruitment experience for women, and a much needed injection of talent for UK businesses.

The power of employment: the freedoms it provides, the opportunities it opens, and above all, the person it enables you to be. At Smart Works, they see and hear directly from thousands of women each year from across the UK, all of different ages, abilities and ethnic backgrounds, all united by the same ambition – to get a job.

Female workers are one of the greatest assets we have in the economy. Clients go to Smart Works after months or years of trying and failing to secure employment, lacking confidence, and frustrated by an increasingly challenging recruitment landscape. The inspiration behind the first Female Unemployment Index is the desire to address this inconsistency. They want to ensure that their clients’ voices are heard and understood by those who have the power and means to create a better route to employment for women in the UK. As we face the most challenging economic circumstances in modern history, this work could not be more timely or important.

Smart Works service is specifically designed to address the barriers women face when securing employment. They provide each client with interview training and a high-quality outfit, delivered in a safe, respectful, and welcoming environment. Together, this allows a woman to believe in her own potential. The service works because they have listened to their clients, and built a program that addresses those issues, on a practical and emotional level. In launching the Female Unemployment Index, Smart Works is applying the same approach to create an annual benchmark against which progress, impact, and change can be tracked and measured.

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