Dream Bigger
Two words that come to mind when describing the former Meghan Markle are ‘practical intelligence’. Meghan the Duchess of Sussex can best be described as inspirational not just in a motivational way but in a very practical way. Read her words below:

…the most glorious validation that saying “yes” can change the course of your life. Specifically saying “yes” to yourself.
Duchess of Sussex when she was Meghan Markle
In the past few weeks I have found myself saying: “My life is greater than I could have ever imagined.” And that’s because it is. I always dreamt, but I guess it’s safe to say that I never dreamt big. And then about two years ago, I made a choice to live my life less stifled. To try to not just live, but to live so fully that my adventures were bursting at the seams, my days felt purpose driven, and my heart felt full. It was August 4th, the day I was born, but that year I didn’t call it my birthday…it was my re-birthday.
Now I’ll admit the term alone is equal parts dramatic and cheesy, but setting that aside for a moment what it meant to me was an intention being set to start anew. To stop living my life complacently and to start taking risks, and to begin dreaming bigger than I could have ever imagined. What happened since has been the most glorious validation that saying “yes” can change the course of your life. Specifically saying “yes” to yourself.
I’ve never been one for vision boards. I have a stack of books from The Secret to The Sedona Method that I skim but don’t read, I shun my hippie dippie upbringing in favor of being a pragmatist, and you’ll rarely find me reading my horoscope. But there is something to be said for setting a goal and putting it out into the universe, so to speak.
It is said that, “thoughts become things.” My thoughts the past year have been: I miss working in politics, I see myself having a lifestyle website, I want to see the world, I need to find my purpose, and I want to be happy.

By some miracle (or perhaps the wizardry of positive thinking), I am now the UN Advocate for Women’s Political Participation & Leadership; The Tig was born; the recent stamps in my passport range from Rwanda to Malta to Afghanistan; in the past week alone I met President Obama and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and above all — I am blissfully, fully, unapologetically happy.
Join me in being a dreamer. Your life can be greater than you ever imagined.
Meghan Markle – Founder of The TIG
Some women are born great; some achieve greatness. We are interested in the ones that achieve greatness and help pave the way for others and make a positive impact on the world. The Duchess of Influence takes a look at women who came from humble beginnings and have achieved something noteworthy through hard work and purpose. These are women who do not just give a hand out but offer a hand held; women who lift as they climb the ladder of success. Women who help other women to build a table and give a voice to those who did not have one. This is the place where we nurture the little engine that could. Watch this space. The Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle is one such woman who elevates and empowers other women.

When Meghan Markle the fashion entrepreneur launched her capsule collections with Reitmans she was very hands on. Starting a business or embarking on a business venture is tough. It starts with a dream and through hard work she brought the dream to life in a sustainable manner. Jessica realized that it was important to support another woman her friend Meghan Markle and promote her work. Here is Jessica promoting Meghan’s Reitmans collection.