As a self made millionaire and entrepreneur the former Meghan Markle now Duchess Meghan promotes entrepreneurship in her royal work. As a global impact investor the Duchess of Sussex knows that small businesses are the key to economic development in communities. Meghan Markle is a job creator and wealth creator in communities that have long been forgotten.
You actually have the power within you to change things, and that begins with how you connect to others.
The Duchess of Sussex the former Meghan Markle
The former Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, was named Vice President of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust (QCT). During her return to England she met with young leaders. The purpose of QCT is to support, fund and connect young leaders around the world who are working to improve their communities. Izzy Obeng, founder of Foundervine. Foundervine, supports women and young people from under-served communities into business and enterprise. This is a cause close to the heart of the Duchess of Sussex. She believes in empowerment and giving a hand held not hand outs. For the former Meghan Markle it is not about photo ops or PR it is about making a positive impact in communities.
- Less than 1 % of VC funding goes to black founders globally. Only 2% to women. Source Foundervine
Minority women in the United States are more likely to have a side hustle, according to the report. Over the last five years, the number of women with side hustles has increased to 39%, compared to a 21% average rate of entrepreneurship. Among minority women, it’s even higher: 65% compared to 32%, respectively. (Source Fast Company)
When looking at specific minority groups over the last five years, growth inside entrepreneurship is up:
• 99% among African American women
• 70% among Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander women
• 63% for Asian American women
• 46% for Latina/Hispanic women
• 36% among Native American/Alaska Native businesswomen
Duke and Duchess of Sussex promote Entrepreneurs in South Africa
Meeting Chef Mish
As a foodie at heart Duchess Meghan and her husband sampled food from ‘Chef Mish’ – a local masterchef winner – with a catering business and cafe. They then joined YES community members to take part in training and tests that will help them gain skills and expand their business through this community collaboration.

Entrepreneur Moss
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex met with small business owner creating sustainable food supply.Entrepreneur Moss showed The Duke and Duchess the organic produce he’s growing in the township with aquaponics – supplying local restaurants.

Blossom Care
The Duke and Duchess met the women behind the amazing Blossom Care Solutions – who are making 80,000 sanitary pads every month for women in their community. They are 100% compostable, and provide an essential low-cost product for women and girls. These are sustainable businesses for the future and create jobs for Africans.

I’m so proud of you, in the business that you’re creating, and also being able to now control your own purse stings, because when you have that level of independence, my goodness, you can do anything!”
Duchess of Sussex former Meghan Markle speaking to Blossom Care Business Owners in South Africa
On all her royal tours Duchess Meghan focuses on promoting entrepreneurship.
A hand held not a hand out, i love that the Duchess’ s work & aim is to lift up people to financial independence mostly those low on the ladder in societies.
This work in economic development is what drew me to Meghan Markle. She is a believer in bettering people’s lives not just socially but economically as well. Love the Duchess of Sussex.
I am very proud of the Duchess Meghan for showing that Africans also have businesses and are not just looking for white saviour to help them out. Many Africans want to have businesses too.