Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zewde Refused Bus Ride Queen Funeral #BossMove

President Sahle Work Zewde

President Sahle-Work Zewde of Ethiopia is the leader for such a time as this. She recognizes that she is a role model to millions of young leaders on the African continent and diaspora. She represents Africa and the aspirations of the next generation of African leaders who are ready to lead Africa beyond survival to thriving and self-determination.

I think the biggest part of being a girl boss in the office, at home or anywhere you go is just knowing your value. – Meghan Markle

The condition for African leaders to attend Queen Elizabeth’s funeral was that they be herded into a bus like school children. This was the unprecedented and unusual demand by King Charles III. The African leaders consented to this humiliation.

President Sahle-Work Zewde like US President Joe Biden firmly refused to be humiliated into riding a bus opting for traditional transportation befitting their positions as Heads of State. This was standard protocol and insisting on observing security protocols. President Sahle understood that her voice mattered.

President Sahle-Work Zewde stood her ground refusing to commit to the event if the security protocol was not followed. The British were dismayed that an African leader knew her worth and demanded respect. They tried to bully her into submission leaking the details to the vicious tabloid press. President Zewde stood her ground. King Charles folded and granted her request.

As President Sahle-Work Zewde stepped out of her own car the image said Head of State; leader of Africans. The world recognized that she knew her value. This is the power of presence; Image is everything and perception is reality. The rest of the African leaders hopped off the bus that image communicated that they saw themselves as minions, the subject of the British empire. There is no dignity in African leaders packed in a bus like sardines allowing themselves to be disrespected.

Women in Africa have been called on to lead. African women’s empowerment is different from European women’s feminism. It is about fighting for security and protection. Every African female leader knows that women and men protect the homeland. No gender wars. It’s not about seeking power over men.

It is about protecting the children and defending the homeland and its resources from enemies both foreign and domestic. Upholding the great legacy of Ubuntu to ensure peace and prosperity for all the people so that Africans never again have to bend their knees in their own land whether to Charles or William or China.

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