Meghan Did Not Want To Be Diana 2.0

Meghan The Humanitarian

Meghan Markle was influential, with a personal following of 3 million on Instagram alone before she married Harry. To provide context this was more than Kensington Royal before she joined. She was a prolific ingenious writer, global thought leader , speaker, leader and inspirational in her own right.The idea that Meghan was obsessed with Diana is fake news. This false assertion is click bait and  has been perpetuated to sell books by Andrew Morton. If not for Diana nobody would know him. He made up lies about Diana and profited handsomely. He has written nothing noteworthy and is now attempting to cash in on Meghan. This dumpster diver and others of his ilk in the British tabloids have permeated mass media with fake news that somehow Meghan Markle the Duchess of Sussex was obsessed with Prince Diana.

Their false narrative falsely states that growing up Meghan was enamored by Princess Diana and she dreamed of becoming Princess Diana. They claim she wanted to be Princess Diana 2.0.  Before we go further into this discussion let me remind you that Meghan is not the one who changed universities and delayed her attendance in order to meet a Prince. Now that we have done some housekeeping let’s examine the facts.

Meghan Markle has never wanted to be a woman who lunches, she always wanted to be a woman who works. Duchess Meghan in her pre-royal life was the founder of a lifestyle brand called The TIG.

The brand had a blog where she talked about fashion, food, and travel. The TIG was basically all about living the aspirational life and volunteering at homeless shelters or across the world in Africa or India. This is the work that feeds her soul.

We got a glimpse into the mind of the woman who is married to Britain’s favorite Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex. Meghan Markle talked about royalty, a couple of times on THE TIG. Just twice in her thousands of blog posts. Just to give you context of what little concern she had with the world of royalty. The first mention was in passing about the pomp and circumstance regarding Kate’s wedding in 2011. It was a just a one liner, so diminutive and insignificant just a historic event. Meghan did not dwell on the dress or any details regarding the ceremony. Meghan had more important things to talk about than Kate Middleton’s wedding.

The next time that Meghan Markle talked about royalty she had a lot of enthusiasm. Meghan expressed her excitement about meeting a real-life princess Alia El Senussi of Libya. The actor businesswoman and philanthropist was very thrilled.

Meghan gushed about meeting this real-life princess because of the philanthropic work Princess Alia had done. Princess Alia known for her results driven impactful work not simply because of birth lottery.

Not once did Meghan ever mention Princess Diana. Meghan did not once ever mention Princess Diana. If as Morgan claims that Meghan  wanted to be Diana wouldn’t she have used this as an opportunity to talk about her role model Princess Diana? That’s what fan would do right?

There has never been a time in all her public life prior to Harry that Meghan talked about Princess Diana. This is not to say that somehow she has no deep regard for her mother-in-law but the idea that somehow she was fanatical about Diana is just absurd and grossly inaccurate.

Just to be clear when talking about Princess Alia the Duchess of Sussex did talk about a princess that she admired. Who might that Princess be? It was SheRA the fictional cartoon character SheRa the princess of power. That’s who Meghan identified with. To the thinking mind, those who decide to put on their thinking caps let me pose this question- why would a woman who is obsessed by a princess Diana not even once in her lifetime mention that very important detail?

We know Meghan loved shoes; she’s obsessed about food we know she fascinated about travel creating new experiences and fashion. We know HRH Duchess Meghan was passionate about empowering women. It is hard to believe that a woman who shared a list of the people that she admired that if indeed Diana was one of the people wouldn’t have appeared on that list. Secondly not once did she ever mention desiring the life of a Princess.  Remember this is a woman famous for stating “I have never wanted to be a woman who lunches I always wanted to be a woman who works.”

Meghan in her own verbal and written words never spoke about Princess Diana.  There is no shred of evidence that he Duchess of Sussex was ever obsessed with Princess Diana. Meghan has tremendous respect for Diana’s work for sure; now that she’s married to Diana’s son. Knowing how much Diana meant to Harry she honors Diana.

This respect is based on respect for the mother-in-law she never met but has shaped her husband Prince Harry into the man that she loves and cherishes and respects whom she has trusted to be the father of her children.

A year or so before Meghan was head hunted by Prince Harry she was asked by Hello magazine which Prince she preferred, and you can tell by her reaction that she finds the question totally irrelevant and dismisses it.

Meghan was living her best life, providing thought leadership at UN Women. Visiting Gihembe refugee camp and building wells in Rwanda.

1 thought on “Meghan Did Not Want To Be Diana 2.0

  1. Gladys

    Those carnival clowns are just envious & jelousy, actually, they don’t love it that the biracial duchess is the one like Diana, infact more than Diana, so let the little islanders eat their green hearts out & that i mean Kensigtons, Royal reporters, British Media, most Royals, courtiers & their rotten trolls.


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