Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, now Duchess of Sussex developed a brand within the Royal family which endeared them to their fans. Prince Harry already had a brand as the beloved Prince. Meghan Markle had her own global voice and brand prior to being royal. She was a global philanthropist rubbing shoulders with global powerful voices effecting change. Duchess Meghan was also known for female empowerment and youth leadership advocacy.
The combination of Prince Harry and the then Meghan Markle created the power couple known today as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry are two peas in a pod. When Meghan met Harry the public amplified their love for Prince Harry. Meghan and Harry are known as the people’s prince and princess. This is because they make a tangible impact in the lives of the people that they interact with.

Sussex Royal charities focus on goals, results, and community from the Invictus Games, Sentebale, Smart Works, One Young World, We Day or Endeavour Fund. We are constantly being told that royals are supposed to be voiceless; expected to only do what they’re told by the media or palace courtiers, while being denigrated, bullied and belittled. Royals are not supposed to challenge the status quo or inspire others.

Meghan and Harry are different from other royals because they inspire others to be better. They inspire others to change their environment for the better. Royals usually spend their time unveiling plagues and opening supermarkets in the name of the Queen. But, Prince Harry always wanted more which is why when he went to Lesotho in his gap year he knew he wanted to use his platform to better the lives of orphans. He is following in his mother’s footsteps as global change agent.

On the other side of the world Meghan Markle raised by her mother Doria Ragland to be a global change agent was also working to make a difference.Duchess Meghan was in Rwanda building wells to get villagers access to clean water through World Vision before she met Harry. Clean water saves lives and children go to school and grow crops and can go on to lead healthy lives. Meghan and Harry were both in their own ways global forces for good individually. Now they have an opportunity to amplify their causes together.

The Sussexes on the other hand created a brand of magic that the people could relate to. Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan through Travalyst, Hubb Kitchen or Smart Set enhance and create a new, innovative way to enhance their charities and make them sustainable while creating jobs and impacting the lives of local communities they meet. Sussex Royal brought a certain magic that you can’t get anywhere else in royal family. It brought solution oriented, community building, collaboration, empowerment global impact and inclusivity.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s brand known to add value to the communities they interact with. Even the youngest Sussex member baby Archie, known affectionately as Master Archie , has already made his mark in Guinjata Bay. his parents Harry and Meghan made a charitable donation of $5,000 in his honor , to help build a swimming pool in Mozambique.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have power relationships with internal stakeholders, external stakeholders and clients you meet with regularly. Sussex Royal communicated with the ‘Sussex Squad’ directly.

Escaping the royal ‘bubble’ allows Meghan and Harry to interact directly with change-makers, entrepreneurs, youth leaders. Youth unemployment is a major issue in the Commonwealth and Harry and Meghan are addressing it head on. They work on challenging work-related projects with local charities to uplift members of the Commonwealth.
Fostering cross collaboration

The Sussex Royal brand is known to foster collaboration. Recently Smart Works and Luminary Bakery teamed up to help their communities. This collaboration created a win-win for Duchess Meghan’s charities. Collaboration vs competition in motion.

Connecting with experts
Since leaving their roles as senior royals Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry have had more latitude to expand their knowledge and experience. Connecting with experts at JP Morgan an industry leader in global impact investing has been one such opportunity they have taken advantage of.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex also reportedly went to Stanford University to pick the brains of academics, students and innovators for new knowledge as they prepare for their global philanthropic work.

With all the hatred by the British Media, Royal Reporters & the Royal family caused by their envy & jealousy, many around the world are praying for Harry & Meghan’s success in their new chality endavours in whatever they will happen to do.