The Sussex Squad is different from most royal fandoms because Meghan and Harry promote self-optimization and empowerment of their community members. Royalists and sycophants believe in their own inferiority and hero worship their royal camp and can never aspire to be better. This is the reason they dislike the Sussex Squad so much. Sussex squad members are encouraged to level up and self-optimize. The Sussex squad is results oriented and made up of community builders. While other royal fandoms are known for gossip, hate and toxic behavior the Sussex Squad is all about uplifting each other and the communities around us.
After all team reflects leadership. Meghan is a winner, and her life has consistent practices which make her successful. On her lifestyle blog the TIG she spoke about her new year resolutions back in the day when she still had a lifestyle brand. Statistics show that 92% of the people never achieve their new year goals.
To laugh and enjoy, to keep my standards high but my level of self-acceptance higher. My New Year’s resolution is to leave room for magic. To make my plans and be okay if they sometimes break. To set my goals, but to be open to change. To let the magic, know that there is an open-door policy with me in 2016 and that it is always welcome to join the party. I invite you to do the same. Have a beautiful, blissful, and incredibly magical 2016. These were Meghan Markle’s thoughts going into 2016.
Goals allow us to strive and not just to survive. Goals also give purpose. Writing down the goals helps to provide a pathway or guide or what to work towards. Achieving a goal gives a sense of accomplishment which is essential if you want to level up.
Set clear strategies to achieve goals. Create Strengths-based goals which offer an innovative approach — one that allows you to look realistically at:
- what’s important to you
- how you want to grow
- what changes you want to see
This approach helps you set goals that stretch you, that are exciting and that complement your natural talents. There have to be daily habits that help to achieve the goal. Smart Goal setting begins with setting yourself up for success from the beginning by starting with a plan. Goals should be action-oriented or impact-oriented and S.M.A.R.T. Focus more on the specific steps you’ll take to reach them Example is going to bed 30 minutes earlier so I so that I can wake up 30 minutes earlier and get a 30-minute work out before work to stay healthy.
On the TIG before she was the Duchess; Meghan’s goals included:
To run the marathon; relearn French – a language she studied through high school and then lost as she immersed myself in speaking Spanish with the Argentinians during her stint in Buenos Aires. She put her little Rosetta Stone headset every year, resolving to do interviews in French and that was what she was working on. Self-improvement was a major of Meghan’s plans.
Meghan Duchess of Sussex is part of the 8% of the people who achieve their goals. Let’s look at how she does it.
Firstly, Meghan is highly focused and extremely disciplined. Being a mother and wife takes up a lot of time. In addition to mother and wife role which is her most important title. She is also Co-Founder of Archewell and Impact officer at Ethic. She wears many hats and has to balance them all. Part of that balancing act requires suitable time management and overcoming obstacles. She has an effective team at Archewell which helps her to execute as well.
By cutting out William and the royal rota Meghan and Harry have been able to focus on their dreams. Meghan is always asking what the action is. This is because for every goal and strategy there must be execution. This simply means what is the action.
Meghan, now the Duchess of Sussex, is driven by the same sense of urgency that has guided her throughout her life as an active humanitarian and an enthusiastic champion for women and girls around the world. in 2016, Meghan wrote in an essay published in a leading women’s magazine that empowering women feeds her soul.
When you are a young duke and duchess who have been blessed by birth and talent, but have also been scorched by celebrity, taking the initiative is not an easy decision to make. It would be safer to take pleasure in their good fortune while remaining silent. In 2021 the goal of Archewell was to raise funds for people in developing countries to get vaccines.
Through their Archewell Foundation, they are able to put compassion into action on the ground. They use media production to give voice to those who are unable to speak for themselves. Together with nonprofit partners, they take risks to aid communities in need, such as providing mental-health care to Black women and girls in the United States and providing food to individuals devastated by natural disasters in India and the Caribbean, among other things.
Despite living in a world where everyone has an opinion about people they don’t know, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex show compassion for those they don’t personally know. They don’t merely express their opinions. They act.
Thanks to the leadership of Prince Harry Duchess Meghan Campaign Chairs for #VaxLive. They helped raise more than $360 million for vaccines for disadvantaged countries and communities around the world exceeding Global Citizen’s goal. This is compassion in action. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are visible leading from the front.
Success in 2022 means cutting off toxic people from your inner circle. Meghan and Harry have evil jealous family members. The British press and negative people in their family. By physically relocating from England the ocean has created a physical barrier which has been good for their mental health. William and Charles spent their days belittling Harry and making him feel like he was less than. They used the British tabloids to beat up Harry and make him believe that he was not worthy of leadership. This is a family where Prince William believes Prince Andrew is a great person with a good heart. They made Harry believe that his role in life was to be 50% of himself.
In California Meghan and Harry are 100% themselves. They run successful businesses and Archewell foundation is making a global impact that cannot be erased. As Meghan and Harry climb the ladder of success, William and Kate become incandescent with rage.
Meghan and Harry believe that compassion is the defining cultural force of the 21st century, and through their work they support a growing community of partner organizations fueling systemic cultural change. At Archewell Foundation, they listen to people and their communities, help them tell their stories, put real action behind words, and spotlight a new generation of leadership.
As campaign chairs of Vax Live, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex invited supporters to do their part to create vaccine equity, including calling on anyone who was able to make a small donation to support this effort.
Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan global supporters for helping to make the world a more compassionate and equitable place. They expressed their pride to have support of the Archewell community. As evidenced through this activation, the shared purpose can yield extraordinary results. Evidence of what happens when we come together for the greater good!
What are your goals? Have you written them down? What are you doing daily to achieve them? Sussex squad lets level up in 2022 so that we do not end up like royal rota or other royals who have to appease the tabloids year in and out and no growth.
A very nice affirmation article
Thank you for the kind words.