Whoopi Goldberg Dismisses Thousands of Women & Meghan Markle’s Working Experience

Meghan Duchess of Impact

Out of Touch Whoopi Goldberg Dismisses Millennial Meghan Markle’s Working Women’s Experience. Whoopi Goldberg is proof that reading tabloids dulls the mind. She totally does not understand the modern millennial working woman who Meghan Markle speaks for. Meghan represents the next generation of women leaders. Young women who are ambitious and place a higher premium on working in an equitable, supportive, and inclusive workplaces.

The annual Women in the Workplace report Conducted by McKinsey in partnership with LeanIn.Org echoed Meghan Markle’s sentiments. Meghan the Duchess’ sentiment was that she felt objectified, on Deal or No Deal tv show. The entry level jobs available to young women in Hollywood were limited and sexist. Whoopi Goldberg on the View Tv show who represents women’s voices dismissed Meghan’s experience. Telling her to censor herself so as not to offend others.

Whoopi Goldberg told Meghan to suck it up because that’s “just the way it is” in Hollywood. It comes with the job, and that she should have known what she signed up for. Totally invalidating Meghan’s experience. Corporations listening to the old, outdated advice dispensed by Whoopi Goldberg will find themselves without a pipeline of strong competent female leaders. Who they will have is Liz Truss. The failure to listen to women’s voices is problematic.

Out of touch Whoopi fails to realize that Women are demanding more from work, and they are leaving their companies in unprecedented numbers to get it. Women want purposeful work. They want to feel valued and seen for their results.

There were many female corporate executives in Hollywood who were implicated in the Me-Too Movement because they refused to speak up. Whoopi represents those corporate senior level executives who silenced sexual harassment complaints or looked the other way to protect the inappropriate bosses, managers, in the workplace. In the end abuse continued and we have toxic workplaces. Young women’s lives were ruined.

If you listen to what Meghan Markle said it was not inflammatory or controversial. Tabloid readers like Whoopi are conditioned to question Meghan rather than listen to her. Archetypes on Spotify advocates for equality. The conversation empowers women and girls to realize that their small voices can affect change. Comments like Whoopi’s remind us that we need to become more active in our communities, in media, as well as the highest parliamentary positions. It is just imperative.

Women need a seat at the table, they need an invitation to be seated there and, in some cases, where this isn’t available, well then you know what, then they need to create their own table. It isn’t enough to simply talk about equality, one must believe in it, and it isn’t enough to simply believe in it. One must work at it.- Meghan Markle UN Speech 2015

Whoopi Blackface

It was embarrassing to see that Whoopi a veteran with a large platform sound more like the rabid tabloids than a seasoned society commentator. But as we were all reminded on Twitter Whoopi approved and laughed as her boyfriend wore black face and no serious millennial working woman values her opinion. Whoopi make you realize why Archetypes on Spotify is needed for women who are denied a voice by mainstream media.



1 thought on “Whoopi Goldberg Dismisses Thousands of Women & Meghan Markle’s Working Experience

  1. Lenora Westwoodson

    The Old School Guard, both in England and America were raised with a mindset that African/African- Americans and other Peoples of Color, should be seen and not heard. The social environment provided for such people, to only speak, laugh or in anyway display personhood/autonomy, if in some way, they were granted that right by a white. I believe everything that the Duchess of Sussex has said about her time in England. I watched the entire Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. My stomach was in knots watching Camilla, Princess of Wales body language. Prince Andrew and many in the Royal family smirked, grinned, grimaced their way through the wedding. They seemed especially amused by the Black Clergyman’s exhortation to love, at all times. They behave as they were taught through generations, that they are superior to other human beings, Check out those who still wear Blackamoor brooches and own Golliwog dolls(Princess Michael of Kent). In addition, two policemen who would have potentially been a part of their security detail, in England wrote racist comments about the Duchess online and alleged that she is a “$5 dollar___”. There is no reason for her to be treated so disrespectfully, except for the illogical racial hatred, that still drives many black and white people. ” For God so loved the World that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whoso believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.” “God sent not His Son into the World to condemn the World, but that the World through Him, might be Saved.” Forgiveness and Love are the key. If King Charles seizes the opportunity, he can usher in a brand new day of love and mutual respect, for all. It will only make his subject love him, except for the guilty parties. Only God can change a heart. Archie and Lilibet need his love and attention too. This is his opportunity to heal the hurts of many, preserve The Commonwealth and save his Monarchy.


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