Members of the royal family are competing over coverage in the papers. The competition leads to information security leaks. No other royal court in Europe; Middle East; Africa or Asia has such a competitive and toxic environment as the House of Windsor. The competition leads to information security leaks. The currency is popularity. For the Duke and Duchess of Sussex their royal work focused on supporting the monarch and making a positive impact.
Kensington palace leaked confidential information, compromising Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan’s security and human rights to privacy. It wasn’t just a tabloid story it was a failure in leadership. The toil on Meghan and Meghan’s mental health was damaging. Meghan and Harry were surviving in the palace, they left so they could thrive.
If you have ever worked in an organization where you were not a good fit. Your manager blames you for everything. One day its not following this rule or excluding you from important meetings. Gossiping with the other workers about your doctor appointments or information you have shared in confidence. This boss like Prince William belittles your ideas in public then adopts them and passing them as their own. That is not a good boss and that is a negative environment.
Case in point “Shout” the mental health text line between Sussexes and Cambridges. This mental health line was modeled after an American org Crisis Text Line, which was launched in August 2013. The text line was introduced by Meghan, yet William tried to pass it as his own. The Royal Foundation was on the mental health initiative for years, yet the text line was implemented only after Meghan joined. To this day the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have never acknowledged that Meghan Markle was the brains behind this initiative. Prince Harry’s HeadFit initiative; which he had been working on for 3 years was stolen by Prince William who is trying to patent the name HeadFit.

Prince Henry and Princess Meghan stepped away from their roles as senior royals. To most people why would anyone leave the job of Prince and Princess of the United Kingdom? This is a glamorous job of tiaras and castles and horse drawn carriages. Every girl’s dream we are told. People have left their ‘good jobs’ with great pay and benefits for the uncertain but highly rewarding world of entrepreneurship can relate. People always question why entrepreneurs choose freedom and financial independence over job security.
Where you are born in this family dictates your position of power, and because of that, Harry has always come second to his brother, especially when it comes to funding,” There were times in the past that Harry wanted to take on bigger projects and do more work, but he couldn’t get the money to support it. William was always the priority. A lot of their quarrels have been over budgets.
Finding Freedom By Omid Scobie
Princess Meghan a self-made millionaire and entrepreneur in her own right knows about grit and taking risks. She has taken risks forging into the competitive world of Hollywood and business. This has paid dividends. She has built her own new media enterprise through her lifestyle brand The TIG. It had close to 5 million followers on 3 social media platforms. On Instagram alone she had 3 million followers in her own right.
Meghan Markle’s lifestyle brand opened the door to her work with United Nations. As UN Ambassador bringing her into the orbit of the world’s most powerful thought leaders this is real world influence. This is not puff propaganda piece cooked up in British tabloids to elevate ribbon cutting as duty this was high impact work.

Prince Harry on the other hand always had big and innovative ideas. One of his ideas included cutting out the press and using social media to talk directly to royal audience. Prince Harry wanted Commonwealth voices represented but the answer from courtiers was a resounding no. The Queen is head of state in Jamaica, Bahamas and several other countries and their voices are not deemed worthy.
His ideas were always dismissed in favor of the tabloid untrustworthy royal rota. Now that the there is a global pandemic the royals have adopted Prince Harry’s ideas to talk directly to the Commonwealth.
If you want to do that, you can pay for your own engagements. And so that was the first seed of, well, maybe we will break away, maybe we will do our own thing.
Omid Scobie finding freedom rejection of commonwealth voices
Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan’s earning potential while being in the royal family was limited. They could not make money as senior royals. They had to wait for a handout from their father Prince Charles. Regardless of how much their father loved them he couldn’t fund their projects based on return on investment or impact. This is because of the rules and protocols. Imagine being in a situation where the sole criteria to whether your project is approved is your birth position in the hierarchy. This is disheartening, your success is limited.
It does not matter how good you are on the job HR policy says you cannot make more money than your boss. Unless you are in sales or investment banking then that is a different story. This is the story of every worker.
What every intrapreneur and entrepreneur has learned is that the decision to step away is not always welcomed. When you finally decide to leave your job, you would think that your unsupportive boss who be happy but no they are not.
It has been reported that Prince William was angry at The Duke and Duchess of Sussex from walking away from toxic palace. Prince William was not angry with the breach of information security from his organization. This is textbook weak leadership. After all it was his organization that leaked Sussex future plans. Dan Wootton bragged about being in possession of highly classified palace documents which contained Sussex plans. Who wants to work in a toxic environment like that?
Today Duchess Meghan and Prince Harry are in control of their own destiny. Their earning potential is infinite and their impact on community is boundless.
Meghan and Harry Freedom Suits them!!!
I really enjoyed this weeks article, thank you.
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A bad boss is best incentive to follow your dreams. Its hard right now Harry and Meghan . You will win in the end.
The most winderful thing about all this is that they moved, left & are now free from the shackles of that so called firm.
Excellent read, thanks for bringing it and breaking it down. It’s truly a blessing that Prince Harry and Princess Meghan left a very toxic, evil, jealous and outdated thinking BRF. They are soul mates , .Global Icons and thriving.
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