Category Archives: Commonwealth

Chris Rock’s Selective Outrage Attacks Mom Duchess Meghan Markle Fails To Speak Truth To Power

Chris degrades black women while Elon is building an empire. Chris Rock never speaks truth to power or challenges those who create rules of injustice in society. He uses his platform to chastise black women but has no smoke for Elon Musk using AI with algorithmic biases, and other facial recognition technology. A 2019 National Institute of Standards and Technology study found false positive rates are also elevated in black or people of color.  Chris Rock the jester has always been a timid soul. He is silent about such consequential issues that affect the very survival of people of African heritage.

President Sahle Work Zewde

Ethiopian President Sahle-Work Zewde Refused Bus Ride Queen Funeral #BossMove

President Sahle-Work Zewde stood her ground refusing to commit to the event if the security protocol was not followed. The British were dismayed that an African leader knew her worth and demanded respect. They tried to bully her into submission leaking the details to the vicious tabloid press. President Zewde stood her ground. King Charles folded and granted her request.

Why Archie Was Denied Royal Prince Title

 Archie Harrison and  Lili Diana should be given a Prince and Princess titles because they are Prince Harry ‘s children. Everything else is performative allyship. Ethnic people as domestic servants is not inclusion. Most people in the Commonwealth look like Meghan Markle and deserve representation at the top by Archie & Lili.