Elements of the British media are responsible for gender violence in the United Kingdom. Their publications are filled with the most anti- women propaganda out there. This creates an atmosphere that fuels violence against women. Women are not encouraged to work in leadership positions, and they are not safe. We are not talking here about Afghanistan no we are talking about Great Britain. In the United Kingdom women are severely underrepresented in leadership and politics. In 2019 only 32% of the 650 MPs were women. Women in leadership can make a difference.

Nobody in any job should have to put up with threats, aggressive emails, being shouted at in the street, sworn at on social media, nor have to install panic alarms at home. Of course, public scrutiny is to be expected, but lines are all too often regularly crossed, and the effect is utterly dehumanising
MP Heidi Allen
Gender violence and toxic masculinity in UK against female leaders
- Labour’s shadow home secretary Diane Abbott received almost half of all abusive tweets that were sent to female MPs in the run up to the last election in 2017. (Amnesty International)
- Culture Secretary Nicky Morgan has been subject to a number of threats, including phone calls from 64-year-old Robert Vidler telling her her “days were numbered”. He was jailed for 18 weeks. (BBC)
- Liberal Democrat – and former Tory – MP Heidi Allen, is also stepping down due to the abuse she has faced. She received death threats when she exercised her democratic right to free thought and was met with death threats related to her stance on Brexit sent from a fake email address by 51-year-old Jarod Kirkman. He was later jailed for 42 weeks. (BBC)
There are no measures being taken to help women feel protected when taking positions of leadership in the United Kingdom. Reporting cyberbullying and British tabloid lies against female leaders is not easy or encouraged. Women in the United Kingdom need discussion on societal issues and the continued violence faced by women and girls in United Kingdom.

The British media is responsible for negative programming in the world. Their smear campaign against the Duchess of Sussex has led to the bullying of women in the United Kingdom.The British media hated that Meghan Markle was UN advocate for women in economic and political leadership. They hate the fact that Meghan the Duchess of Sussex had her own global voice prior to moving to the United Kingdom.
The Sun ran this propaganda hit piece on Duchess Meghan all made up by the way. They had the story painting her as a villain on the front page but the apology was hidden somewhere obscure.

The anti-Meghan propaganda has created a culture of hate against the Duchess and put her life in danger just as Hitler did against Jewish people.
As the smear campaign against Duchess Meghan continued and there was no leadership coming out from Buckingham palace. The brave young women in the parliament had to speak up for Duchess Meghan the former Meghan Markle. Sophie Wessex claims she is an advocate for women and goes around the world claiming to advocate for African women and yet she was silent and has been silent about abuses against female lawmakers in England.

The anti-Meghan propaganda has created a culture of hate against the Duchess and put her life in danger. Plots against her life and her husband Prince Harry and son were planned as a result of the smear campaigns. By God’s grace they were uncovered however satan’s little helpers continue their lies and continue to put Duchess Meghan’s life at risk. This is the reason why they pushed for Prince Harry to lose his security as a result of Sussexit.
Even more concerning still, we are calling out what can only be described as outdated, colonial undertones to some of these stories. As women Members of Parliament from all backgrounds, we stand with you in saying it cannot be allowed to go unchallenged.
72 British Members of Parliament supporting HRH Duchess of Sussex
In 2019 female parliamentarians from across the political spectrum stood up against press bullying of Duchess Meghan the former Meghan Markle. It was all documented on Meghanpedia which documents the abuse. The silence of the British royals and in particular the those who claim to advocate for mental health is well documented.

If women are being threatened and their voices silenced in parliament who will make the laws to protect women and children? Who will be their voice? Who will be their advocate?
So sad to read this happening in Great Britain in this day & age, & so glad that the Duke removed his wife from that toxic environment, what a jealousy Royal family is to not even bat an eye to all that dangerous smeer campaign!! i think they RF hoped for her to be killed since its obvious they sanctioned the hateful campaign.
The response from Queen Elizabeth is most disappointing. How can this elder allow such abuses? This is unbecoming.