Old world meets New World

Prince Harry can trace his lineage to the founding of kingdom in England hundreds and hundreds of years of members of the English aristocracy. His lineage are what they call the blue bloods where it’s all about pedigree and who your ancestors were. Basically you are born great or you are doomed relegated to the margins of society simply based on birth lottery something totally beyond your control.

Meghan’s people were those of no pedigree who left Europe in search for a better life in the Americas. They settled in the coal mining region of Pennsylvania with the hope of creating a better life from the one they left behind in Ireland & Scotland where they came from.

In America where Meghan is from royalty is based on money. Those who have it have an elevated status from captains of industry, inventors, entrepreneurs or Hollywood celebrity when you have money you are American royalty. In America regardless of where you came from your net worth is more important than lineage.

The American narrative that captures the imagination and automatically gets one admiration and instant credibility is the rags to riches story. It starts with one coming from little rising against all the odds to achieve success and that is why Meghan is so beloved because she like so many other famous Americans like Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg fit this chronicle.

In America social mobility is the name of the game, you have to do better than your parents. In England this is frowned upon because the assumption is that one must accept their fate, so new world meets old world and in the 21st century without the benefits of colonialism old world has to embrace some elements of the new world to survive the next 100 years.

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